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History of Praise Dance

​What is the meaning of Praise Dance Movements?


 The Bible doesn’t mention much about dance. But, it does mention dances of celebration during two important historical events. The first event was the crossing of the Red Sea. Miriam, prophetess and sister of Moses brought together several women in song and in praise after the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea (Exodus 15:20, 21). The second event occurs when David brings back the arc of the covenant to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6). Both major events showed the significance of praise dancing in rejoicing and thankfulness for what the Lord has done, even for your triumphs





From Biblical times to the 19th century, an emergence of dancing during Christian worship services began to spring up. Praise dancing began during slavery from the traditions of West Indian dances called ring shouts. Although the word shout is used, it does not denote actual yelling. The shouting is used to describe the ecstatic dancing in the ring shouts. The participants would gather in a circle during worship services to sing praises, pray, and dance. Each person would have their turn doing either one. Sometimes ring shouts would be performed with drums, bugles, flags and banners.

The liturgical dance traditions of the 19th century leads into the more complete and choreographed dances done during church services today in .the dance

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